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Get to Know a Child's Development in 1 Year Further

Every stage of a child's development is a crucial thing that parents don't want to miss. Usually, when the child reaches a certain age, it will be followed by the emergence of new abilities. Let's find out the development of the following 1 year children.

When a child turns 1 year old, there are some basic abilities that will become more obvious, for example, the desire to play will increase, want to learn new things around him, to try to say something.

Not only that, there are also other developments that occur in 1 year old children, such as emotional development, communication skills, socializing, moving, and cognitive.

Get to Know a Child's Development in 1 Year Further_

Abilities of 1-Year-Old Children

At the age of 1 year, the child may soon be able to walk gradually. This is because the strength of the bones has been able to support their weight, so the child becomes more active to move. Not only that, children also chatter more often and may be noisier than before.

In addition to increased activity, the development of a 1-year-old child is also marked by the ability to respond to the words of those around him.

At that age, your little one will be easier to talk to in two directions, for example, they have started to be able to point at the things you say. In addition, one year old children can be taught manners, such as saying thank you.

Their behavior will also be more easily directed by parents or caregivers. Children this age will find it easier to persuade, for example, to help parents or caregivers tidy up toys. However, you shouldn't be surprised if your child develops more impulsive behavior, such as throwing up toys.

Other forms of misbehavior from 1-year-old children are throwing, pushing, and hitting objects that are nearby. They also happily open the cupboards only to take out all the things in it for later use as toys.

In fact, banging on nearby objects, such as pots and pans, will become his new habit. At this time, pleasure grows within them while listening to the sound.

Emotional Development of a 1-Year-Old Child

When you turn 1 year old, your child is not only more active to move than before, but also followed by emotional development that is more clearly visible. The following is the emotional development of a 1 year old child:
  • Cry when your father or mother left
  • Feeling nervous or embarrassed when meeting new people he knows or sees.
  • Having closeness to certain people, such as mother and father.
  • Repeating actions or making certain sounds to get the attention of those around them
  • Shows fear in dealing with certain situations
  • It's good when invited to play peek-a-boo
  • Begin to be willing to stretch out your hand or foot when you put on your shirt and pants.

Seeing the development of a 1-year-old child sometimes causes frustration, considering their behavior which now often makes the house messy. In addition, parents also feel worried when they go or work, because they often cry when they are left behind.

However, keep enjoying the stages that your little one is currently experiencing. One day, this moment will be remembered and you will miss it as a precious moment.

If you still have questions about the development of a 1-year-old child or are worried that your little one is not showing development like the average child his age, you can consult a doctor.